How Do RNG Gambling Games Actually Work?
If you’ve played online casino games you’ve also probably heard of RNG. You may think you know what RNG means, but the technology in generating random results is deeply complicated. Random number generators (RNG) are fundamental in online casino software, allowing for betting outcomes that are truly random. The randomness of outcomes is so important that companies have spent millions on perfecting the tech, with innovations still being made to this very day. But how does it actually work?
In video games, RNG also plays a big role. Certain games rely on random outcomes to keep things interesting, forcing players to overcome unknown odds. However, video game RNG is different to that used at online casinos. Let’s get to the bottom of why.
Using An Algorithm
It is, first and foremost, important to understand that in video games RNG is based on an algorithm. In online casinos a completely different system is used. As far as algorithm RNG is concerned something has to be used as input data. Since, as most are aware, computers are literally unable to generate truly random numbers. So what do game developers use as input data?
The answer to that is everything and anything. From the computer’s internal clock, to the amount of objects on screen, to the player’s name, and other bizarre options. Why are these strange things used? Because, very simply, algorithm RNG requires some sort of input in order to generate random outcomes. Only, in this case the outcome aren’t really random, and can even be manipulated if someone understands the parameters.
True RNG
When you claim an online casino welcome bonus and play slots you want to know that the outcomes are fair. Operators are well aware of this, which is why they devised hardware random number generators (HRNG.) HRNG are systems based around computers using completely random ambient conditions to generate outcomes, such as atmospheric pressure, thermal readings, and even shifts in geometry.
Once HRNG is set into motion no one, not even the engineers that built the hardware, know what numbers are going to be outputted. Even beyond this, HRNG generates hundreds of thousands of numbers per second. Which numbers are to be used by online casino games is unknown.
Does HRNG Work?
The short answer is that, yes, HRNG is completely reliable in making online casino games fair. All games, from slots to digital table games, use HRNG systems. Since the inception of HRNG there has never once, ever, been a case of any irregularities. Any issues that do occur are with the software based around HRNG, rather than the random number generators themselves.
If you’re still suspicious of HRNG games, you can also opt to play live casino games instead. Live games use real casino hardware, including Roulette wheels and physical cards. No RNG is used at all, making it the option for those that prefer reality to digital simulation. Either way, the systems are secure, regulated, and regularly audited by authorities.